
Osamodas dofus
Osamodas dofus

osamodas dofus

On a class Summons of the caster: Now returns the AP cost of the Summons killed to the caster.The spell now belongs to the Air element instead of Earth.Kills the target and refunds the AP cost if it's one of the caster's class Summons.Inflicts Air damage on enemies and reduces damage inflicted by it for 1 turn.Sacrifices a Summons that uses some of its HP to heal allies in an area of effect.The Gobball spell applying the Gravity state has been removed.The Gobball removes Dodge from the target.

osamodas dofus

The attack element of the Gobball has been changed.Summons an aggressive Gobball that inflicts Water damage and removes Dodge.The spell now belongs to the Air element instead of Fire.The Crow inflicts Air damage on the enemy and doesn't require line of sight to be cast.Inflicts Water damage and increases damage inflicted on the target by any Summons.Increases the MP of Summons and, to a lesser extent, allies.The maximum number of uses per turn is now 1 at spell level 6.Summons a Tofu which inflicts Air damage and steals Agility from opponents.When it says "Class Summons", this means all the Osamodas's basic invocations (excluding Dopples).When it says "Caster's Summons", this means all Summons used by the Osamodas, including common Summons.When it says "Summons", this means all allied Summons on the battlefield.The AP cost and Range of some existing spells may have changed.Spell Descriptions and Acquisition Levels List of Spells by Elemental Path Air path In addition to the primary characteristics, some Summons also have other characteristics of the caster depending on the spells and role they have (see the summary at the end of the devblog). The goal is to encourage players to adopt equipment that isn't based only on durability (Vitality, resistance, etc.) but also on characteristics and damage in order to offer more diversity in the choice of equipment. Actually, these Summons will receive part of the summoner's vitality as well as part of the characteristic and elementary damage of the Summons's corresponding element. Osamodas characters will have only five different Summons, but they'll have better durability and capabilities. The Fire path, based on heals and debuffs.The Water path, based on boosting the damage of the Osamodas and their Summons.The Air path, based on mobility and positioning/movement.With these changes, the Osamodas class will have three distinct elementary paths, each offering a balanced number of spells, to which the utility spells will be added. We want to encourage Osamodas gameplay around renewing Summons rather than accumulating them, which is why many of the spells now require one or more Summons to be sacrificed in order to be cast. Optimizing your Summons now requires you to optimize your equipment! How can we encourage Osamodas characters to focus on characteristics and not on Vitality and resistance alone? Summons now benefit from the primary and some of the secondary characteristics of the caster.How can we strengthen control over Summons and make them less random, especially in PvM? Offer more ways to influence the behavior of Summons: Symbiosis, Determination and Tracked state, Lashing Claw.How can we provide a support role that is less direct to their allied players? Effects requiring initial action: Martyr, special Symbiosis spells or a sacrifice: Bestial Heal, Substitution, etc.Give them the opportunity to help their short- and medium-range Summons. How can we motivate Osamodas characters to take part in combat alongside Summons? Offer them greater abilities to escape when in trouble: Tofu symbiosis, Gobball symbiosis, Substitution.Our main lines of thought for this redesign were the following: Playing with the Summons was also a problem because it was too dependent on the arbitrary decisions of the AI, which can sometimes be difficult to grasp. Their abilities were blocked as soon as they found themself trapped in close combat. The current Osamodas gameplay didn't suit us because the player was too confined to a role of pure support, remaining hidden behind their Summons. We want to encourage Osamodas characters to play with their Summons, whether it's by using them to move around, offer support to allies or simply to inflict damage. The objective of the Osamodas class redesign is make it more strategical and give it greater potential in handling its Summons.

Osamodas dofus